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Oak – Red

Quercus rubra
Also known as |
Northern Red Oak|Red Oak

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Oak - Red (American) Lumber @ Rarewoods SA

Red Oak has a light brown heartwood color, with a reddish tint. Due to its basically light coloration, it is not always that easy to distinguish its sap from its heart. Like its many cousins, quartersawn examples display varying amounts of its renowned “ray fleck” patterns. Grains are typically straight, but with a coarse texture and large, open pores. The wood works, finishes and glues well. Its impressive strength, hardness and moderate price have made it a popular choice with furniture builders and cabinet makers.

Not listed in the CITES Appendices or on the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species.

Why We Love This Wood

The Northern Red Oak trees' heights and trunk diameters can vary greatly, with forest-grown trees known to reach heights well in excess of 100 feet, and trunk over 6 ft in diameter. Conversely, open-grown trees spread out considerably wider -- making them a natural choice for many street and park shades trees.

The wood is an historically-important wood in the US, utilized in a variety of interior applications. The wood has become synonymous with house interiors, and vinyls / imitation wood substitutes are often produced to appear as Red Oak.

High shrinkage rates equate with poor dimensional stability, thus quartersawing is recommended.

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    Oak - Red (American) Lumber @ Rarewoods SA
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    Vital Statistics

    Main Color GroupPink
    Grain Pattern Pronounced
    Avg Dry Weight - LB/FT344
    Avg Dry Weight - KG/M3700
    Janka Hardness - LBF1220
    Janka Hardness - N5430

    A Popular Choice in


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    Other Species

    Chestnut - European

    Durable and relatively affordable, European Chestnut is a popular cladding species in Europe.  With looks similar to Oak and Ash, we are sure you will love the appearance of Sweet Chestnut.  Grain can be interlocked, but Chestnut is still relatively easy to work.  It can split relatively easily, so pre-drilling is essential.

    This is a new species for us here at Rare Woods and a first for South Africa.  We are delighted with what arrived and can’t wait to get it into some of your projects.

    Common Uses

    Longhi is an African wood with similar working properties to its more well-known cousin, Anegre. Its color varies from a greyish-white to beige to pinkish-brown color, which slightly darkens with age and UV-ray exposure. Its generally light appearance makes sapwood difficult to distinguish. Its grains are typical straight (though occasionally interlocked) and its texture ranges between fine and medium-fine. It can sometimes possess mottled or subtle tiger-striped figuring.

    The wood must be carefully dried, as it is susceptible to fungus. It is considered to be moderately durable, and moderately stable. Longhi has a solid strength-to-weight ratio, which makes it a popular choice for flooring and decking.

    Common Uses:
    cabinetry, decking, flooring, furniture
    Common Uses
    Birch - Flame Roasted

    “Roasting” Flame Birch involves gradually heating the wood up to temperatures of greater than 160 degrees celcius in special heat chambers made of stainless steel under anoxic conditions. The heat removes organic compounds from the wood cells, changing both the physical and chemical make-up of the wood. The process is natural and chemical free. It darkens the wood to a beautiful rich chocolatey brown color whilst still showing the gorgeous grain and figure of the underlying wood.

    The thermally modified wood is more dimensionally stable, but the process does reduce bending strength and make the wood a little more brittle. This makes it chip a little easier than the un-modified lumber. The brittleness makes it less suitable for intricate cabinetry, but it is still an excellent choice for less intricate items such as floors, tops, panels, cladding etc.

    Extra care needs to be taken when finishing thermally modified wood, as the “bone dry” wood has a tendency to “suck in” much of what is given to it. Our in-house woodworking specialist has had excellent results with Osmo PolyX. He suggests a thicker finish will work better.

    Common Uses:
    flooring, interior panelling
    Common Uses

    This Malaysian species is a medium weight timber suitable for light structural purposes. It is a popular joinery timber and it machines easily and finishes well.

    Common Uses:
    furniture, joinery
    Common Uses

    Indigenous to the tropical regions of East Africa and West Africa, as far south as Angola.¬† Anegre has been used primarily as an interior wood; it is decidedly non-durable, and thus not recommended for outdoor applications. The wood’s aesthetics can vary greatly, as Anegre is comprised of three separate species within the Pouteria genus. Its colors can range from pale yellowish to orangish-brown wood, to a pale pinkish-brown, sometimes with additional highlight coloration. Anegre typically darkens to a golden-to reddish brown over time, with repeated UV ray exposure. The heartwood and sapwood of Anegre are usually not distinguishable from each other.

    Anegre has a medium texture with closed pores similar to Maple.  The species is easy to work with both hand and power tools.
    Examples can be quite beautiful — and sometimes stunning, with curly and mottled figuring being not uncommon. Its hues tend to be generally pastel in nature, so it makes a very complimentary, aesthetically unimposing wood for a variety of interior applications. Grains are typically straight but can occasionally be interlocked. Its texture is medium and it has a nice natural luster.

    Common Uses:
    boatbuilding, cabinetry, carpentry, construction, veneer
    Common Uses
    Birch - Masur

    Masur Birch (also known as Karelian Birch) is not a species in of itself, but rather a particular grain figure that occurs in various species of European Birch.  The result is a beautiful marble like figure – a mix between burl and birdseye.

    The cause of this figure is uncertain.  Some say that it comes from a tree’s reaction to invasion by the larvae of the Agromyzia carbonara beetle, but the general opinion seems to be that it is hereditary, classifying the name of the variant as Betula pendula var. Carelica.  Regardless of the exact origin of the figure, it provides us with stunning and unique looking lumber, just begging to be showcased in some fine woodworking. It is most commonly used in accent details, turned objects, knife handles and other small specialty items.

    Veneers of Masur Birch are rotary cut (like Birdseye Maple) to ensure the best figure is extracted for the veneer.

    Common Uses:
    fine furniture, knife handles, specialty items, turnings, veneer
    Common Uses
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      Our bulk packs are sold in units of volume. (1 pack = 0.1m3).
      Depending on thickness and length you select, you will get a different effective total width. Depending on the widths we select, you will also get a different number of pcs.

      For example, 0.1m3 of 2.45m lengths will get you the following +- TOTAL WIDTH and +- PCS (assuming an average piece width of 140mm) for each thickness:


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